TBI Survivor Blog Series 2021

Life is a Terminal Condition
"...We are all going to die, but how many of us will truly live...."
The truth is that life is a terminal condition.
We are all going to die, but how many of us will truly live...
This, my dear one, is a question that arose in my life. This is a priceless question I was invited to twirl with when I became in a complete state of alt due to a Traumatic Brain Injury in May 2013.
An ardent desire to LIVE suddenly emerged TO LIVE FULLY like I never did before. I had endless time to ponder, to reassess ,and to write new ways of living.
I had an honest look at myself, and what I desired was shattered into tiny minuscule pieces...
Since 2013, I have made micro adjustments to travel the inner and outer world of this new journey. Sadness, fears, sorrow, indecisiveness enveloped me for a while, in fact for many years, until I was able to pick myself up and turn my face away from darkness to become an avid beauty seeker, as well as an aspiring optimist.
I let go of the past, I let go of people, I let go of updated beliefs and eventually my marriage came to an end. Letting go is a process that was - is - allowing me to receive and accept new possibilities and opportunities.
Over the years, I added new self-care practices like journaling, meditation, hiking, painting and reciting positive affirmations. I learned new vocabulary - words like compassion, empathy, kindness, vulnerability, worthiness, integrity, and assertiveness - and I embodied them.
I searched for my voice, the one who had become a whisper. I found it and I am using it to claim my worthiness, to give appreciation and become an agent of change.
These days, spirituality colours my world. Since this tragic life altering event, I am noticing all of the amazing abundance I have, feeling grateful and thankful for the endless support of The Universe.
Since the beginning of this unexpected invitation, I have surrounded myself with a great number of cheerleaders, supporters, encouragers to walk by my side until I can have a better assurance and vision of the future ahead.
I started to dream, to envision BIG dreams, dear one. I cherish the ones that unfold, I am passionately and ardently co-creating new beautiful dreams. Sometimes I travel this fabulous journey solo, in duo, in trio or as a group... I feel I am always supported.
I embrace gratitude and appreciation for all the promises, the opportunities, the encounters and magic that spark my life regularly.
I am fully awake, creative, loving, zany, kind, bold, curious and openhearted.
Today, I am truly living my life... The beautiful life I am crafting one day at a time.
The truth is that life is a terminal condition.
We are all going to die, but how many of us will truly live, dear one?
France Theriault
*You can follow me on Instagram at standingbyyourside65 where I share inspirational stories, sharing insights of living a beautiful & meaningful life 8 years after having a Traumatic Brain Injury from a cycling accident.
J'accepte la grande aventure d'être moi ~Simone de Beauvoir