TBI Survivor Blog Series 2022 - Patience

Photos by France Theriault
Patience is a virtue dear one. Post-concussion recovery or what we are experiencing for the last two years is inviting us to remain open to accept or tolerate the endless changes coming our way exercising our virtuous patience attribute.
Patience is described as the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble or suffering without getting upset or angry.
Words that are associated with patience include tolerance, resignation, fortitude, lenience, perseverance, and determination amongst a few more synonyms.
It seems most of us impatiently desire to have our dreams, our goals delivered immediately or almost instantly.
We may lose faith and trust because it is not tangibly happening according to our timing.
I am here to tell you a secret; amazing things are happening in the unseen in order to deliver the best for you.
I have seen it over and over... The surprising unfolding!
Not necessarily in my timing, my lovely.
Sometimes it is very difficult to believe it will unfold as we desire.
Not everything will be 100% correct according to our scenarios.
What I know for sure is holding on tenderly & gently to my visions, staying on course with small action steps as well as keeping my thoughts on elevated frequency (positive thoughts ) are the best ways to allow my desires to come true.
Being appreciative for what I have, being grateful for all the progress and experiences I had so far are a magnet for my future asks.
Just because it’s taking time, doesn’t mean it’s not happening.
A great reminder to have close in mind dear one...
It’s on its way!
Do you believe it?
*You can follow me on Instagram at Standingbyyourside65 where I share inspirational stories, sharing insights of living a beautiful & meaningful life 8 years after having a Traumatic Brain Injury from a cycling accident.