TBI Survivor Blog Series 2021

I Am
"...everyday I move one step closer to accept myself with my greatness & my imperfections..."
I am thrilled to write this blog about this visceral daunting question we all visit after having a Traumatic Brain Injury.
The idea to express myself out there outside of my journal and the discussion I have with my tribe came from a longing of my soul. My desire to share my passion with you about wellness, nutrition, outdoor activities, travels, personal growth and humanity is increasing by the minute.
So I thought I will introduce myself with these two powerful words: I am....
What you choose to add after them could change your destiny for the day, for the months to come and for the rest of your life.
I am a daughter
I am a sister
I am a mother
I am a student of life
I am creative
I am passionate
I am me and also a part of you
I am an exploratrice of the world
I am a teacher and also an avid & inquisitive learner
I am on a quest to discover myself and how I can be of service to others
I am a seeker of the soul
I am a lover of life
I am in awe with beauty and grace
I am on the verge of a miracle
I am an agent of change
I am connecting the dots of my destiny
I am a beam of life
I am kindness
I am a trailblazer
I am colourful & vibrant
I am authentic
I am blissful
I am opening my heart to love, more love
I am powerful beyond my wildest dreams
I am unique and so are you
I am a leader
I am a masterpiece of light and colours
I am soaking every moment as it could be the last one
I am standing tall with my truth
I am living purposely every day
I am a magnet for infinite possibilities
I am tiptoeing outside of my comfort zone
I am vulnerable
I am expanding & unfolding the layers of my being
I am trusting life and letting go of control
I am shooting on the other side of the stars
I am me.
I am here to share my discoveries, my reflections and my journey.
I am here to be by your side learning to know you.
It took me many many years to discover who I am, I did a lot of self-inquiry and still do... This quest is part of my life and I could assure you that everyday I move one step closer to accept myself with my greatness & my imperfections.
Do you know who you are? I hope you can be inspired to write your own I AM story. If you do, please post your comments to share and cheer for other people.
With love & sparkles of joy,
France Theriault
*This blog was first written in June 2016 and I decided to revisit it.. To tell you there's nothing I will add or subtract. I am still embracing all the parts of my I am.