TBI Survivor Blog Series 2021

I choose to celebrate…
"...I knew I had been saved for something greater that I can ever imagine..."
May 25 2013, was the end of what I felt I knew for sure about who I was for 48 years. A new self was in the waiting room ready to emerge. Every year on that date, I look back in time to an event that changed my life dramatically.
I was not resentful, angry nor desperate by the challenges that were ahead of me. On the contrary, I was grateful for the opportunity of having the chance to assess what I wanted, who I was and what were to be the guiding principles that would influence me to keep going in this transitional time after my tragic cycling accident which as it turned out, was a gift.
What helped me to have this outlook and enabled this 360 degree change is that I had no memory of what happened when I flew over my bike when I was going downhill at around 40 km/h. A few hours after my fall, when I realized I was standing on my two feet with no broken bones - only bruises and some serious impact on my brain, my neck, my lower back, as well as the left side of my body, I knew I had been saved for something greater that I can ever imagine.
Since then I have accumulated a few pebbles of wisdom and self-discovery. Over the last eight years, I have met amazing people who were by my side when I was in physical and emotional pain and my cognitive abilities were still impaired.
I discovered resilience, strength, determination, patience, hope, trust and I have now a more positive outlook on life. I opened my mind to new approaches. I tried many various ways of change and I continue to heal and learn about the wonderful resources I have inside of me.
Some of the treatments that helped me to heal were: chiropractic techniques, cranio-sacral massages, osteopathy, psycho-therapy, acupuncture, homeopathy, naturopathy, neuro-vision therapy and somatic experiencing therapy.
Yoga, meditation, as well as forest bathing offered me alternative resources and nourishment. Journaling and art exploration were therapeutic tools I used over the years. Some of my exploration was solo and at other moments over the last few years I sought further guidance through workshops and classes.
The inner gifts that emerged post-concussion surprised me. Beauty was always important to me however since this life-altering event, something more magical happened. Beauty is everywhere, I notice the smallest things, I am mesmerized by the clouds, I am in awe of nature and I am becoming a connoisseur now noticing and appreciating various forms of beauty.
Writing became an act of liberation, a way of letting go of the overflow of emotional disturbances that enveloped me for many years. Expressing my feelings, wants and desires were all tangled with fears, sadness and disappointment, so writing them in my personal journal became a saviour. A few years into my healing journey, I started a blog that only a few people read. Since 2017, I believe, I have published over 1600+ posts on Instagram where I share my journey as a Traumatic Brain Injury champion and the ebb and flow of my life.
I don’t have a crystal ball to predict what is coming in my future but I know that all of the experiences, events and people I will meet are part of a synchronized plan orchestrated by something bigger than me. Embracing the unknown is part of the journey; letting go of my internal fear to welcome wonderful possibilities is something I am embracing a little more every day.
There are so many things - small moments and big events - that I am grateful for in my life. I invite you to take a moment to make a brief list of what you are grateful for in your life. You don’t need to wait for a cataclysm to shake you. You can do it regularly and notice the way it changes your life one day at a time.
Who are you grateful to be sharing your life with? What are you most grateful about now?
Share your joy, your love, your beauty, your passion, your curiosity and your smile with the world.
With love and tenderness,
France Theriault
*You can follow me on Instagram at standingbyyourside65 where I share inspirational stories, sharing insights of living a beautiful & meaningful life 8 years after having a Traumatic Brain Injury from a cycling accident.